A wolf met a rabbit. they became close friends. but the longer the wolf was with the rabbit, his savage instincts continued to emerge, at times the wolf had to resist his lust to eat the rabbit.
These are perception lenses. We all have them. We see ‘with’ and ‘through’ them. But we don’t see the lenses themselves’. This lens of perception is Ego. It’s not a fixed, unchanging thing. In fact, it’s an amalgamation of past experiences. You meet the world through a prism of expectations shaped by ‘past’ trauma & experiences. Until eventually that lens is clouding your encounter with the reality so much, it’s similar to kind of a ‘tunnel vision'. You don’t see the reality as it is, you see it as YOU ARE.
Free yourself from the craziness of everything in the world.
When I feel empty, unsure of where to go, I find myself adrift in an endless expanse. I wonder how far I’ve come and how insignificant I really am. A towering mountain rises before me, and I feel a deep urge to reach its summit—just to know what it’s like to stand at the top. I push myself to climb higher, feeling each step as I rise. In the midst of this vast emptiness, I long to see the world from above.
Karya ini adalah eksplorasi visual dari perjalanan batin seseorang yang berjuang melawan stagnasi dan mencari perubahan dalam hidupnya. Melalui bentuk-bentuk abstrak yang dinamis, warna-warna yang kontras, dan tekstur yang kompleks, karya ini mencerminkan gejolak emosi, harapan, dan ketidakpastian dalam proses perubahan.
Garis-garis yang tidak teratur namun saling terhubung melambangkan jalan hidup yang penuh liku dan pilihan, sementara warna-warna cerah yang bertabrakan dengan bayangan gelap mencerminkan konflik antara harapan baru dan ketakutan akan kegagalan.
Pada bagian tertentu, warna-warna terang, seperti kuning atau oranye, muncul dari kegelapan, menandakan secercah harapan dan tekad yang tumbuh untuk meraih kehidupan yang lebih baik. Bentuk-bentuk yang tidak utuh dan seakan akan pecah menggambarkan proses dekontruksi diri, di mana seseorang membongkar identitas lamanya untuk membangun sesuatu yang baru dan lebih baik.
Secara keseluruhan, karya ini bukan hanya gambaran dari keinginan untuk berubah, tetapi juga perjalanan emosional yang kompleks menuju transformasi pribadi.
Di bawah langit kelam, kita semua berdiri, Kambing hitam tak hanya satu, Setiap jiwa berhak dipandang berbeda, Dalam kegelapan, cahaya tak terduga.
Journey to the Unknown, menggambarkan esensi perjalanan memasuki wilayah yang belum terjamah dalam hidup saya—di mana kenyamanan masa muda memudar dan kompleksitas kedewasaan serta dunia yang luas menjadi fokus.
Journey to the Unknown, capturing the essence of venturing into my life’s uncharted territories—where the known comforts of youth fade and the complexities of adulthood and broader world come into focus.
Drowned in my other ‘personalities’.
Sebuah potongan potongan yang menggambarkan apa itu kedamaian dalam kehidupan, setiap unsur benda, suasana, gerakan, dan warna, mewakili sebuah kedamaian, kata PEACE dan SERENITY menjadi simbol bahwa suasana damai bisa muncul dari apa saja mulai dari meditasi atau yoga, makan ditemani secangkir kopi, atau pergi keluar menikmati alam yang indah. kedamaian bisa diraih dimanapun dan kapanpun, membuat kedamaian tersebut manjadi abadi
The fall of the Berlin Wall, We need no more.
Choose your mood. Don’t let them choose you.
It’s an honor to bring happiness to others.
Peace is on fire.
The real self is like an onion wrapped in layers under the influence of various factors. We need to calm down and listen to the inner voice. Peel away the layers of camouflage, in order to gradually find the true self.
DJ Kool Herc invented Hip Hop DJ and rap and is considered the father of Hip Hop. When the music and rhythm play, his body will radiate endless appeal, bringing people strength and happiness.
When people come to the world, they will encounter a variety of troubles, hear a variety of voices, and produce emotions such as anxiety and confusion. Busy every day, the inner peace is rare. Let yourself calm down, sort through those complicated things, and have a deep dialogue with your heart. You will find that many things are not so difficult, and everything will gradually become clearer.
Love and peace are the eternal pursuit of mankind. When conflicts arise, we should adhere to the basic principles of mutual respect and peaceful coexistence, and adopt reasonable ways to solve them through consultation, rather than using violence. The brilliance of human nature has blossomed in the process of passing on civilization from generation to generation.
“Sebetulnya lagu ini tuh bisa juga kayak, gimana sih, lo abis seneng seneng, misalnya habis liburan gitu, sama temen-temen, trus pestanya selesai, lo semacam hangover, trus jadi ngayal dan mikir ke mana-mana. Pernah kan kayak gitu?” kata Zaki.
My life is empty, forever down. Until you take me around the depths of my heart and my mind. Because I have made peace with myself. My life is free now my life is clear. I didn't realize it even though you couldn't hear
The poster uses bright colors and simple shapes to show creativity. Paintbrushes, origami, and the tangled lines reflect the creative journey. The papers that represent birds symbolize turning something ordinary into something special. The face suggests self-expression, while the repeating patterns hint at ongoing creativity. "Inspire, Innovation, Imagination" highlights the power of creativity to transform ideas into reality.
Staying busy, yes, busy with loving my life in all its shapes, leaving no space for anything unsettling.
we let the weirdness in.
Watercolour & Gouache on paper
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus Fly Trap” - Marina
Watercolor, digital & gouache on paper
This artwork reflects on how our personal stories and shared narratives shape the brown experience in relation to being an Anak Bumi/Anak-Anak Bumi, which translates to Children of the Soil. Each individual is a collection of memories, experiences, and tales. Like the cycles of nature, these stories continuously flow and evolve, grounding us in the past while guiding us into the future. In returning to nature, we reconnect with the roots of our culture, where the land, the sea, and the forest have always been part of our collective identity. Moreover, heard or silenced, represented or underrepresented, at the end of the day you are one with nature, and regardless of your own beliefs about the afterlife, we will all be a part of the soil. Even though our souls are wandering around, our remnants are still implanted in the soil of our very own Bumi, world. You’re a soul, and a soul is permanent. Therefore, through this piece, we are reminded that identity is not static, but like nature, ever-growing and reshaping with the stories we carry and the ones we hear. And with that, to all the people of the soil, Anak-anak Bumi, Pencipta, storytellers, and all entities, remember your roots for you’ve descended from a Keturunan yang Panjang Bercerita. We will and have made our marks.