Welcome to
posko visual 2024
online gallery

Listen To Peace

Goyen Chen



Gracella Natania Kusumo


Piece Of Experimental Poems

Hafidz Shekti



Hayakawa Edo





Blessed With Happiness

Hidayat D R


Heart Creativity

Hilda Dentasani


Hidden Lotus

I Gede Cahya Pradipa


Give Peace a Chance

İbrahim Yılmaz



Indira Kimiko


Nur dan Alam

Isna Zulfia Nur Fauziah


Sweet Inside

Jacintha Emmeline Goenawan


Starry sky on the beach

Jazakillah Nanda Nur Annisa



Katrina Agatha


The Bus Stop

Katrina Agatha


The Only Me

Kenneth M. A. Sinaga



Kezia Pratista



Khrystyna Valko


P-S 1

Lilia Luján


P-S 2

Lilia Luján


A Night of Serene Rest

Lintang Aziz Pinastiti


Leave Space for Life

Lou Chuang


No Beings are Spared in War

Lou Chuang ​

China ​


Luis Antonio Rivera Rodriguez


Welcome the new earth

M. Rudianto & Afrik Grafita S.






Marcelina Naresvarie Setyaningsih



Marchelino Hansell



Masyarakat Edo


Peace Machine

Mateus Vitti Parrela


The Magician

Matthew Lucky Natanael


Quiet Storm

Mayrizal Nur Wakhid Hussain


Endless Dance

Mayrizal Nur Wakhid Hussain ​

Indonesia ​

Keep Peace and Love

Miftahul Adi Suminto



Mohammad Afif Abdurrahman


Who's Next?

Mohammad Fatoni Putrafardani


Imaginary Line

Muhammad Ardi Wiranata


étoile au clair de lune en pixels ⭐

Muhammad Arel Putra Mawardi


One String, Together!

Muhammad Fauzan


Be Free, Kebebasan di Luar Standar

Mutiara Islami Wahyudi


Let's Hangout!



Listen To Peace

Goyen Chen


This poster design is centered around the themes of "Serenity" and "Peacefulness." The minimalist grayscale palette highlights the sense of calm and purity in the artwork. The pigeon, symbolizing peace, is cleverly placed inside the ear, conveying the profound message of "Listen to Peace." The contrast between the enlarged ear and the small pigeon represents how, in a world full of noise, true serenity and calmness can be achieved by choosing to listen and embrace the sound of peace. This work serves as a reminder that peace is not just an external condition but an internal state of mind. When we actively listen to the voice of peace, our inner world aligns with tranquility and stillness.

The intricate details in the design, combined with the overall simplicity of the composition, emphasize the concept of "Piecefulness," inviting viewers into a space of quiet reflection and inner peace.


Gracella Natania Kusumo


White represents innocence and fresh starts, while dark purple, black, and pink reflect her traumas and feelings of low self-worth.

Despite the colorful flowers blooming on her, her electric blue eyes still show sadness. The desperate red handprints gripping her seem to hold her back from the healing and closure she needs.

Yet those bright blue eyes also tell a story of her ready to be reborn and move on from her past.

Piece Of Experimental Poems

Hafidz Shekti


Kepingan-kepingan puisi, pengenalan puisi sebagai suatu yang tak pernah lepas dari tipografi dan penempatan font. Puisi melankolia yang dramatis sebagai wujud self authenticity. Karya ini adalah bentuk refleksi murni dari kehidupan romansa pengkarya. Panjang umur perayaan dan benci-benci yang tak berkesudahan.


Hayakawa Edo


This artwork interprets the peace that is expected to be achieved after all the twists and turns of experiencing life.
The presence of dandelions spreads all over the field has the meaning of any possible hopes and wishes in the complexity applied in the landscape visual.
Overall, this artwork is about a picture of hope to be able to live peacefully.




Sulit. Segalanya menjadi pahit. Rintih. Semuanya dimulai dari sedih. Ibarat 'Agony' yang benar-benar sakit. Derita dari duka yang akhirnya menyebabkan luka. Bekasnya dalam dan sulit mencapai kata lupa. Turun terus sampai kapan, ya? Entahlah.

Blessed With Happiness

Hidayat D R


Dewi menurunkan berkahnya pada diri manusia melalui benda benda budaya yang kemudian berwujud pada perasaan bahagia, ceria, damai, senang, dan rasa syukur menikmatnya. Sensai dan keseruan dalam benda warisan ini menimbulkan rasa bahagia, gembira, cinta, dan riang bagi para penikmatnya.

Heart Creativity

Hilda Dentasani


The shining crown of creativity and the spectrum of inspiration that never dies brings the passion to grow limitless creativity with love and enthusiasm.

Hidden Lotus

I Gede Cahya Pradipa


Living may not be as straightforward as it is. Dynamic blooming is an art of being alive and exuberant in turbulent times of despair.

Give Peace a Chance

İbrahim Yılmaz


Digital Illustration.


Indira Kimiko


As an artist, we are capable of using any tool to create something that we have in mind, be it traditional or digital. We are capable of thinking something never before hand had ever been invented, our imagination is wild. As uncle Ben would say, "with great power comes great responsibility".

Nur dan Alam

Isna Zulfia Nur Fauziah


Nur yang kehilangan terbesar yang ia rasakan. Angin lembut menyapu wajahnya membawa bisikan hening yang mengisi hatinya dengan kedamaian. Dalam kesendirian ini ia menemukan ketenangan yang tak pernah ia rasakan sebelumnya, seolah seluruh alam raya berbicara padanya dalam bahasa yang hanya bisa dipahami oleh jiwa yang tenang.

Give Peace a Chance

Jacintha Emmeline Goenawan


Like Lego, we often want to be seen as tough and strong, and sometimes we accidentally hurt others. But if we just let our guard down a bit, there’s kindness and love inside us that we can share. It's sweet inside, but if it stays hidden, who will ever notice?

Starry sky on the beach

Jazakillah Nanda Nur Annisa


This art is inspired by my holiday on a beach to celebrate a new year, kebetulan malam itu indah sekali pemandangannya dikarenakan langit yang begitu gelap diterangi dengan cahaya rembulan serta bintang bintang yang menghiasi di sekitarnya. The beautiful sky, that is accompanied by the sound of the waves on the beach that kept roaring, has made me drift into serenity.


Katrina Agatha


When I was a kid, my imagination was my truest companion. The world felt so big, limited only by the sky with its beautiful, sparkling stars. Even though I've realized now that the world can be dark, there's still a small part of me that longs for that pure freedom of daydreaming.

The Bus Stop

Kaylee Anthoniete Danny Wijaya


Colorful umbrellas shield us from the rain, just like we hide behind the image we present to the world, making us stand out more. But every now and then, we need a break from all that—like when we’re at a bus stop and can finally let down our guard.

The Only Me

Kenneth M. A. Sinaga


"Saya mengambil tema Self Authenticity pada karya saya yang bertajuk ""The Only Me"" Ini.
Objek utama pada karya ini adalah wajah yang berada di tengah kanvas, ia adalah seorang pribadi manusia yang ber-rupa aneh. Bermata di mulut, bermulut di mata kanannya , dan angka satu di mata yang satunya. Tetapi kita bisa melihat bahwa pribadi ini tidak mempermasalahkan kelainannya, karna menurut pandangannya meskipun dia tampak aneh namun keanehan itulah yang membuat dia menjadi dirinya yang autentik. Angka satu pada wajahnya merupakan simbol dari tema yang saya ambil, yakni ""Self Authenticity"". Saya harap semua yang menikmati karya saya ini dapat belajar bahwa sesungguhnya kelainan pada diri adalah sisi autentik kita, maka kita harus menghargai bahkan membanggakannya.
Selain dari pada itu, saya juga sengaja mengambil warna yang beragam pada karya saya, karena saya ingin menunjukan bahwa kelainan yang autentik dan beragam dari tiap-tiap manusia bisa menjadi karya yang indah bila di kolaborasikan."


Kezia Pratista


"He’s the sun but his sunflowers face elsewhere. The flowers had just fully grown, yet they are about to wilt in no time. Be hurt, be disappointed, take your time. But bring yourself a peace of mind by forgiving—not forgetting, because if you do, you’ll learn nothing. Trust that one day another sunflower might face to the shine of your smile.

Regardless of how painful one’s experience is, they are there for the best reasons. No problems are too heavy for one to handle as they are all crafted perfectly according to what one is capable of. Meaning, we will all be alright. And surely, with hardship always comes ease."


Khrystyna Valko


To feel peace and balance, you need to learn to feel both pain and joy, day and night, learn to understand your strengths and weaknesses, yourself

P-S 1

Lilia Luján


This artwork is an allegory that fuses different elements that allude to serenity, peace, an ideal state of the human being. The contrast of colors harmonize the environments.

P-S 2

Lilia Luján


This artwork is an allegory that fuses different elements that allude to serenity, peace, an ideal state of the human being. The contrast of colors harmonize the environments.

A Night of Serene Rest

Lintang Aziz Pinastiti


Serenity and peacefulness offer a sanctuary from the chaos of everyday existence, allowing us to reconnect with our inner selves and find solace in the present moment. The world seems to slow down, and worries fade into the background. The mind is still, and the soul is at ease. It's a state of being where tranquility reigns supreme, and every breath is a gentle reminder of the beauty and simplicity of life.

Leave Space for Life

Lou Chuang


The artwork combines the imagery of bullets and gears with Marc Chagall's famous painting of tranquil village life,highlighting the harsh reality of life engulfed by war.

No Beings are Spared in War

Lou Chuang


The artwork utilizes camouflage patterns symbolizing war, depicting animals shrouded beneath the chaos of conflict. By employing AI-generated imagery of animals in wartime scenarios, some incomplete renderings match the animals' fragmented states, effectively conveying the idea that no beings are spared in war.


Luis Antonio Rivera Rodriguez


This poster talks about inner peace and that no one should disturb it.

Welcome the new earth

M. Rudianto & Afrik Grafita S.


"The poster visualizes the phenomenon of the earth being damaged by technological exploitation that does not consider the environment. The need to harmonize human activities, to achieve a new, more natural earth that everyone wants. The eyes symbolize knowledge, vision, and dreams of peace. The nobleman's hat depicts the interconnectedness of capital that governs the industrial world, with a stylized meaning of the current industry that destroys nature and environmental harmonization for personal gain.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)"




"When I was overwhelmed by the past days and became inslent, I loved to feel peace away from anxiety, I was attracted by the feeling of the whale made me feel peace, and how God created such a comfortable voice with the sound of the sea may be scary, but it is peaceful"


Marcelina Naresvarie Setyaningsih


Strike every obstacles info your path! Don't ever let yourself down!


Marchelino Hansell


Diskresi sendiri berarti kebebasan mengambil keputusan dari setiap situasi yang manusia lakukan. Dalam karya ini aku merefleksikan bahwa diskresi yang berdampak damai dan bahagia pasti didapatkan tidak jauh dari jatuh bangunnya manusia dari pergulatan yang menginjaknya (nampak dari gambar karakterku yang overthinking di kolom bawah) dan berusaha ia singkirkan setiap harinya dengan cara berdamai dengan diri sendiri (nampak dari gambar karakterku di kolom tengah, berusaha berdamai dengan dirinya meski lelah) sebelum ia membawa kedamaian dan kebahagiaan di sekitarnya yang nyata dan penuh. (nampak dari gambar karakterku di atas, suasana damai, ceria, berbunga)


Masyarakat Edo


"This artwork depicts a feeling of serenity and peace upon awareness of oneself and what is owned.
an interpretation of achieving absolute peace by having a principle what's attached in oneself to be grateful and love what is owned rather than seeking what is loved.
the element of the 'peace' symbol obviously as a clear visualization of the message of peace especially for oneself."

Peace Machine

Mateus Vitti Parrela


Trying to capture the horrors of war, I've created a blood red background with running black ink and drew the peace symbol slowly transmutating into a rifle. On the weapon's butt it reads "Peace Machine" and on its magazine it reads "Loaded with peace". It was producedd as a protest against the massacre in Gaza.

The Magician

Matthew Lucky Natanael


Like a spirited puppy, innocent and naive, childhood is a world of pure joy. Much like a magician, I have the ability to create my own reality, filling it only with happiness and dreams.

Quiet Storm

Mayrizal Nur Wakhid Hussain


Eksplorasi paradoks antara kekuatan dan ketenangan. Dalam karya ini, badai tidak digambarkan sebagai sesuatu yang bising dan penuh kekacauan, melainkan sebagai kekuatan halus yang bergerak dengan hening, namun tetap mengandung potensi destruktif yang besar. Tentang kekuatan internal, ketenangan di tengah krisis, dan keheningan yang menyelimuti dalam momen-momen yang sering kali penuh tekanan. Representasi visual dari jiwa yang kuat, mampu bertahan dan menemukan kedamaian meski di tengah angin yang paling liar.

Endless Dance

Mayrizal Nur Wakhid Hussain


gerakan dan ekspresi tanpa akhir. Setiap elemen dalam "Endless Dance" menggambarkan ritme kehidupan yang terus bergerak. Kehidupan adalah sebuah tarian yang tak pernah berakhir, penuh dengan kemungkinan dan keajaiban.

Keep Peace and Love

Miftahul Adi Suminto


"This work conveys a universal message about the importance of living in harmony, peace, and love amidst the diversity of society. Through the use of a soft color palette and harmonious visual composition, ""Keep Peace and Love"" creates a calm atmosphere that invites the viewer to reflect on the meaning of peace in everyday life. Visual elements such as the peace symbol, interconnected hearts, and representations of people from various backgrounds symbolize unity in diversity. This work also contains a strong message to remind us that peace is not just a concept, but must be realized in real action. By prioritizing love and understanding, we can create a safe and harmonious environment all over the world. ""Keep Peace and Love"" invites every individual to play an active role in realizing a more peaceful and loving world."


Mohammad Afif Abdurrahman


Representing the devastating effects of war. By doing so, it is hoped to evoke a sense of hatred towards war.

Who's Next?

Mohammad Fatoni Putrafardani


"This artwork captures the intense journey of self-authenticity through the lens of basketball icons, depicted in a chaotic, almost frenetic visual collage. At the core of the piece is the figure of a player, standing in a powerful, almost defiant pose, asking, ""Who's next?"" The question resonates beyond the sport, symbolizing the personal battle of identity and self-authenticity that each individual faces.

The imagery surrounding the central figure includes fragments of basketball legends like Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, and others, suggesting a legacy that the central figure is both part of and separate from. The words ""GOAT"" (Greatest of All Time), ""Mamba,"" and other iconic references are scattered across the canvas, representing the external pressures and expectations imposed by society and history.

The composition is a battlefield of thoughts, emotions, and identity, where the chaotic layering of text, imagery, and colors mirrors the inner turmoil one faces in the pursuit of self-knowledge. The torn, overlapping images and the scribbled, almost frantic text reflect the conflicting emotions and the cognitive dissonance that arise when an individual confronts their true self amidst external influences.

The artwork conveys the idea that the search for self-authenticity is not a serene journey but a tumultuous, ongoing struggle. It suggests that authenticity is not a destination but a continuous process of confronting, understanding, and reconciling the various facets of one's identity, both internal and external. The central figure, standing resolute amidst the chaos, symbolizes the enduring quest for self-authenticity in the face of overwhelming challenges and expectations."

Imaginary Line

Muhammad Ardi Wiranata


Setiap gerakan kuasnya penuh makna, seolah-olah setiap sapuan akan menghidupkan imaji dalam pikirannya. Cahaya lembut menerangi wajahnya yang serius, memperlihatkan tekad dan dedikasi dalam menciptakan karya seni. Dalam momen ini, kuas menjadi perpanjangan dari jiwanya, siap mengubah ruang kosong menjadi karya penuh ekspresi.

étoile au clair de lune en pixels ⭐

Muhammad Arel Putra Mawardi


""" un rêve cosmique joyeux peindra les étoiles de tout l'univers! ""
"" joyful cosmic dream will paint the stars of all universe! ""
Passionate, yes I'm your étoile."

One String, Together!

Muhammad Fauzan


"“One String, Together.” means that in one string, there is togetherness. Indonesia has the symbol “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” which means “different but still one”. In the poster that I made, I used the concept of gasing that has unique characteristics on each gasing. This symbolizes the diversity found in each region in Indonesia in the form of shapes, colors, and patterns through gasing. The shape of the gasing has a metaphor that reflects the shape of the human body. The color of the gasing reflects the “expression” of a human being. The gasing design is divided into traditional and modern, reflecting that the sense of togetherness and unity will not diminish with the increasingly advanced and modern times. Whatever the form, whatever the expression, whatever the race, whatever the generation, it does not stop us from continuing to be together like one rope connected to each other.

The reason I used gasing is to reflect the extinction of Indonesian culture, especially in the field of traditional games. Most people nowadays prefer to play modern games rather than traditional games such as gasing. I hope that with the variation of the gasing, it can further increase its interest along with the times."

Be Free, Kebebasan di Luar Standar

Mutiara Islami Wahyudi


Dalam karya ini, seorang gadis duduk tenang di alam terbuka dan melepaskan diri dari batasan sosial. Proses menemukan identitasnya digambarkan oleh refleksinya di genangan air. Dengan toples "fit in" yang retak, kita merayakan kebebasan dan keaslian di luar standar sosial.

Let's Hangout!


