
A word can have various meanings and interpretations. The term 'habit-at,' some people define it simply as a habit or a place, while the others probably define it even broader. Their view in "habit-at" is interesting to discuss since it draws their responses to the world dynamics. In this article, let us dig mores into the hidden "habitat" on their minds.

The chair of Posko Visual 2021, Renaldy stated, "a culture always happens to be a unique and compelling topic for us, for DKV's mates are coming from various backgrounds. Thinking about it, we initiated to make it "culture" the theme for this exhibi- tion. The good thing is Posko Visual 2021 committees challenged us to bring daily culture which is close with the students' per- sonalities, are their daily activities." By having that reason, we brought "Habit-at" as the big theme in POVI 2021.

Posko Visual 2021 is an exhibition held by DKV students in 2018. Posko Visual is an annual exhibition by DKV UM genera-tions annually. Talking about the exhibition, it may sound familiar to many people. An exhi-bition is a place for us to dedicate ourselves to art and design to show our abilities, earn money, or spend time as a hobby. The main thing from the exhibition is a close matter in our lives; if it is so, we make it a "habit," If the right? exhibitions become a habit for us, there is only a slight difference with Posko Visual. Reading the name of this exhibition is clear to some of you that there are two combined words. However, commoners will question this thing.

Posko Visual 2021 took place online from October 15th to 31st, 2022, on the official Posko Visual website, poskovisual.com.